What You Can Expect from an Assault Attorney for Sexual Harassment Case By Employee

A great assault lawyer in Vancouver, BC recognizes that a sexual assault charge can significantly change your life. They will prepare for court and the battles you will face moving forward. They will dedicate time and effort to make sure you have a strong defence.

What is Considered as Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault can include sexual contact like fondling or groping that can take place though direct skin contact or over the clothing of the accuser. Also, sexual assault can include assault or battery that involves a person trying to strike or physically striking the victim. In fact, it is sexual assault when a person acts explicitly to threaten the victim, instilling fear. Attempted rape is another form of sexual assault.

How Your Lawyer Will Fight for You

When charged with a crime, you will be going against piles of evidence laid in front of you. But, when you work with a good assault attorney, you feel confident that an expert will dissect every part of the case and determine where you can have an edge over the other party. Even the smallest battle in your case is a big win for you and your attorney as it will help achieve bigger objectives.

The Steps your Lawyer Will Take

The first step to finding an effective defence strategy is to know who accused you. Your attorney will determine the number of people who are making the same accusations. They will hire a professional investigator to perform these tasks for them.

Your attorney will help direct the collection of important evidence and preserve it with the help of forensic investigators. Your attorney can collect evidence such as recordings, social media posts and messages, texts, as well as information about the accuser’s accusations against others in the past. In fact, they can also dig into the accuser’s psychological history to convince a prosecutor not to charge, drop your case, or offer you a favorable plea agreement. Keep in mind that whatever you say or do can be used against you.

Your attorney’s legal strategy will depend on who made the allegations. For the case to be considered workplace sexual harassment, the accusations must be brought by an HR investigation. The crime may be considered a sexual assault when the prosecution and the police brought accusations. Your attorney will use the evidence they have collected to show that the accuser has either consented or welcomed the advances.

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